Logo Fundação


JCS Foundation

Donating to a foundation is a wonderful way to support an important cause. There are several options available for making donations, including bank transfer, check, cash, or simply click on the button below to use your credit card conveniently. 

Bank transfer: 
IBAN: FR7616168999990000590000626

Check and Cash:
Av. Domingos Ramos, nº 54, Bissau, Guiné-Bissau
GB (+245) 966 483 490
PT (+351) 968 234 367
E-mail: geral@fundacaojcs.org
Donate via Debit/Credit Card
Zé Carlos
The Foundation Jose Carlos Schwarz hereinafter referred to simply as the FOUNDATION, is a legal person governed by private law, endowed with legal personality, non-profit making, and of general public utility. To promote, develop, and disseminate Guinean culture in its various domains, with special emphasis on music, theater, cinema, literature, and the plastic arts.
 All rights reserved!   Criado por: TuduTicket, LDA